Impact of Internet usage and Peer Pressure on Life skills among Senior Secondary School Students


  • Dr.Renu Kansal, Mrs. Madhu Author



The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life. Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills. Broadly speaking, the term ‘life skills’ is usually used for any of the skills needed to deal well and effectively with the challenges of life. Internet is very useful and crucial part of present era. It has many pros and cons. One of its cons is internet addiction. Life skills are also the base of social life. If anyone wants to adjust efficiently in society, then should be having rich life skills. Although Internet addiction affect at all stages of life but more in adolescence. So investigator chooses this topic for paper. Peer pressure is the process by which members of the same social group influence other members to do things that they may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. Peers are people who are part of the same social group, so the term “peer pressure” refers to the influence that peers can have on each other.Studies of social  connections examine connections between members of social groups, including their use of social media, to better understand mechanisms such as information sharing and peer sanctioning. Sanctions can range from subtle glances that suggest disapproval, to threats and physical violence. Peer sanctioning may enhance either positive or negative behaviours






How to Cite

Impact of Internet usage and Peer Pressure on Life skills among Senior Secondary School Students. (2024). Ajasraa ISSN 2278-3741 UGC CARE 1, 12(4), 177-183.
