Perspective on Big Data Hadoop Tools and Technologies 1Shital P. Adkine, 2Dr. Manish T. Wanjari, 3Dr.Keshao D. Kalaskar 1Dept.of Computer Science,Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur, Maharashtra-India 2Dept. of computer science, Shivaji Science Colle
The word ‘big data’ itself tells everything is big like huge volume of data which can be in a structured, semi-structured, unstructured form. As it is Big so generated in a very large amount making it difficult to process using traditional techniques. To process these generated data traditional big data management system is incompetent to manage the large amount of data with different structures, thus Hadoop the framework which is designed to process the large data sets and provides high performance and fault tolerance from a single server to thousands of machines with different. In this paper we describe a study of big data, Hadoop along with a comparison of various tools and technologies used in big data management.