Resonance of ethical values in the texts Sekaśubhodayā and Śukasaptati: A comparative study


  • Dr.Partha Sarathi Bhattacharya Author



“Social organization cannot be really understood expect as a part of culture; and all special lines of enquiring referring to human activities, human groupings and human ideas and beliefs can meet and become cross fertilized in the comparative study of cultures”[1] Values, Morality and Ethics – this try polar system i.e. (the sense of righteous) are the epitome of Human existence. Although it is differ from man to man. In the present century search for a theory of values has become a separate branch and has been called axiology. According to our opinion the main approach to value system comprises two parts i.e. theistic and humanistic. Theistic approach opines that absolute values are related to absolute reality where the supreme power is the upholder of all values. Whereas, humanistic holds that the values are as a distinct component of the total human personality, which guide or affect attitude and behaviour of the individual and social groups. In the texts like Sekaśubhodayāand Śukasaptatipolitical discrepancy, social and moral degeneration, adultery and mutual rivalry projected boldly without much pretention. Although these texts are a pen picture of decadent Medieval Bengal, still a handful of Women excels in their own merit and retains the morality that is equally relevant even in 21st century. The position of women in Medieval Bengal, especially of the house-wives of well-to-do families, as reflected in this story is somewhat unparalleled in Sanskrit literature.


[1]Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences (vol. IV), New York: 1959: p 621.






How to Cite

Resonance of ethical values in the texts Sekaśubhodayā and Śukasaptati: A comparative study. (2024). Ajasraa ISSN 2278-3741, 13(7), 143-153.
