Understanding The Role of ICT in Achieving Excellence In Higher Education
In contemporary society, technology has grown to be an integral part of higher education since it is so important to the education of the future generation. Over time, the nature of teaching and learning has transformed from being conducted offline to being conducted online. Higher education has undergone numerous changes as a result of the rapid progress of technology. One of these innovations is the learning management system (LMS), which has made it easier for educators and pupils to exchange and use information. In the years to come, modern technology has the power to alter the way higher education is structured, just as it has changed traditional classroom instruction. Since high-speed internet has become available, learning no longer requires to take place in an actual building because educators and students may communicate online and learn from anywhere in the world. The paper focuses on how technologies supports academics and students in achieving greatness in higher education and the changes that currently take place in this field. This conceptually developed article uses secondary data sources to elucidate the impact that technology adoption plays for various higher education stakeholders. It has been discovered through secondary sources (scholarly papers and public reports) that technology is essential for performance management, remote accessibility, and resource sharing, all of which are required for accomplishing excellence in educational institutions.